[SysDes1][Chap. 12] Design a Chat System

Design Questions

  • Support 1 on 1 and group chat
  • The group member limit
  • Online presence / status feature
  • Push notification feature

Chat Service

  • Functionality of the chat service. When senders send messages to chat services, chat services store messages and relay them to receivers.
  • Senders can use HTTP protocol to send messages to chat services. The HTTP header can set to keep-alive to maintain a more persistent connection.
  • Receivers cannot simply use HTTP because HTTP is client initiated, not server initiated.
    • Polling: clients periodically ask servers if there are chat messages available.
    • Long polling: server holds clients’ request until there is new chat message available or the request time out.
    • WebSocket: the most common solution for sending asynchronous updates from server to client. WebSocket connection is initiated by the client, starting like a HTTP connection and then upgraded to a WebSocket connection. WebSocket is persistent and bi-directional.

High Level Design

  • Components in a chat system
    • Stateless API servers for signup, login, profile and other services.
    • Stateful servers for chat services, presence services.
    • Message queue and corresponding handlers for asynchronous tasks.
    • Rational DB storage for profile, friend list data etc.
    • NoSQL key-value storage for chat message data.
      • Reason: more scalable, lower latency according chat message data’s usage pattern.
  • Data model
    • For profile, friend list data, we can identify them by user id and we can store them in relational database.
    • For chat message data, we can use (channel id, message id) to identify. We make the message id sortable by time for the same channel id.

CUJ: connect to chat services

  1. User connects to API servers.
  2. User logins in
  3. API server use Service Discovery (e.g. Zookeeper) to find a suitable chat server
  4. User connects to the chat server using WebSocket

CUJ: Send Messages

  • Sending 1-to-1 chat messages
    • User sends chat data to chat server
    • Chat server generates unique and incremental message id
    • Chat server enqueues task to message queue
    • Message queue handler / chat server writes chat data into KV store
    • By querying Web Socket Manager, handler can determine the target user’s status
    • If target user is online, send chat data to target chat server and to target user
    • If target user is offline, send chat data to notification service
  • Message synchronization for the same user
    • The same user will connect to the same chat server by multiple devices
    • Each device maintains its own maximum message id
    • Chat servers can query KV store for the current maximum message id in storage
    • Use the message id to determine the message order
  • Sending messages in group
    • Each user has its own inbox message queue
    • The sender will send chat data to each recipient’s inbox message queue
    • The recipient can receive chat data from different chat server
    • Cons: If the group size is too large, write fanout will be huge.

CUJ: Online Presence

  1. User login: user connects to presence servers using WebSocket, presence servers update the last login time in DB
  2. User logout: user logout through API servers and API server sends request to presence servers to change user’s status to offline
  3. User disconnection: user is responsible to send heartbeat signals to presence servers to keep the status online
  4. Status fanout: when a user’s status changes, send out status update to friends

Other Topics

  • Support media files: compression, cloud storage, thumbnails etc.
  • E2E encryption.
  • Caching message on client side.
  • Use regional storage to improve the data access time.
  • Error handling: retry failure message.

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